Friday, October 10, 2008

CFA- Course Development Competition 2008, CRC, Central European University

Distrib. by: Central-Eurasia-L - Announcement List for Central Eurasian Studies

CFA- Course Development Competition 2008, CRC, Central European University

Posted by: Aniko Kellner <>

Dear Colleagues,

Please see below the Course Development Competition call for
proposals, organized by the Curriculum Resource Center Central
European University. The program offers 10 months grants to design and
implement innovative courses at the home institution of the
applicants. This year we are offering the following topic areas:
Constitutional Law, Political Science, IRES, Sociology, Religious
Studies, Medieval/Byzantine Studies and Roma. The deadline for
applications is 17 November 2008.

I would like to kindly ask you to share the Call with your peers at
the institution where you teach or anyone else who you think might be

You can read the detailed call for proposals and program description
below or on our website , where
you can also find the application forms.

Thank you very much in advance,

Aniko Kellner
CDC Program Manager
Central European University

Call for Proposals 2008

The Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) of Central European University,
sponsored by the Higher Education Support Program of Open Society
Institute, announces a call for proposals to develop new, innovative
and relevant university courses.


Applications must arrive to CRC by 17 November 2008 (to the address:
CRC - Central European University, 1051 Budapest, Nador u. 9, Hungary
or to the e-mail address.

Program Description

1. Applicants are invited to develop and teach a one or two semester
long course in the discipline areas listed below. The course should be
clearly directed towards one of the following levels: introductory,
intermediate, advanced, post-graduate.

2. The competition is open to individuals and groups for 10 month
grants. During this period, successful applicants should first develop
and then implement their proposed course. Grantees are not required to
stay in Budapest for their grant period.

3. Course Portfolio (see more on this on our website

Aims of the Program

1. to encourage the introduction of new courses, which are innovative
in content, methodology and teaching approach.

2. to have a measurable impact on the host department's curricula and
its mode of delivery. In this way, the program seeks to further the
development and dissemination of new curricula across the target regions

3. to provide incentives and means for interdisciplinary and
international co-operation amongst academics.

4. to promote innovative, collaborative projects with priority given
to groups of academics from at least two different countries or cities
of the region who aim to design a course from an international perspective.

5. to fund courses that are at least partially based on applicants'
original research in their field.


Application is restricted to resident citizens of the non EU member
states in Eastern- and Southeastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union
and Mongolia who are teaching at a university in any country of this region.

Citizens of new EU member states are eligible only if
* they propose courses on Roma related issues.
* they participate in group projects with colleagues from non-EU
countries (in fact such collaborative proposals are strongly
encouraged). In such group projects the group leader must come from
the non-EU country.

Previous CRC participants may apply for a CDC grant; Academic
Fellowship Program fellows may only receive a CDC grant one academic
year after finishing their AFP fellowship. Those who benefit presently
from an alternative Soros grant should contact the CRC office to
discuss their eligibility.

Requirements for applicants

All applicants should show how they intend to apply new teaching
methodology to delivering the course.

Project proposals should demonstrate the following:
* potential to contribute to curriculum reform at host departments
* innovative character and approach
* potential of being incorporated into the university curriculum for
longer term
* relevance to regional or global issues
* scientific quality in the selected field
* feasibility

Requirements for grantees

1. At the end of their grant period, all grantees (groups) are
expected to submit a final syllabus for the new course they have
developed and taught, together with a final activity and financial
report. In addition, at the end of the course development period,
interim reports will be required on the progress of the grant.

2. All accepted applicants are required to attend two modular
workshops: one workshop at the beginning of their grant period,
(focusing on issues regarding course design and curriculum
development), and another before their teaching period covering
matters regarding course implementation and evaluation). The exact
dates will be confirmed and announced later for selected applicants.
3. Production of Course Portfolio (see details in the program
description on our website )

Course Development Competition Grants

1. Each CDC grantee will receive a monthly stipend for a period of ten
months. The amount of the stipend is not negotiable. Group stipends
for the teaching period will be calculated from the amount of a full
stipend in proportion to the degree of involvement of each participant
(involvement should be expressed clearly as a percentage in the course
plan). Group leaders will, in addition, receive a small group leader's
fee for their extra responsibilities.

2. An allowance for legitimate course development expenses (book
purchases, reader production, teaching materials, photocopying,
slides, etc.). Grantees are strongly encouraged to produce readers for
their courses (collection of articles, papers, chapters, documents,
etc. that represent readings and other materials for the course). The
grant will not fund the production of printed textbooks or
publications. Please note that the CDC grant cannot fund the purchase
of any equipment (computers, scanners, printers, etc.)

3. An allowance for additional, justified travel costs and
administrative expenses in the case of group grants.

4. By negotiation, an allowance for justified travel to a library
outside the home city, within the region, for the development of
course materials etc. Costs of study or conference participation
cannot be covered.

5. Consultation time with CEU professors with knowledge in the
relevant topic areas will be offered.

Selection and Evaluation of Grants

Applications will be evaluated and judged by CEU academics with
sufficient knowledge of the higher educational needs of the region.
Following the selection acceptance becomes valid after an agreement on
terms and conditions is signed by the future grantee.

Finished course syllabi will be evaluated by CEU professors, and those
meeting the standards of the CRC office will be placed on the CDC website.

CDC office will also conduct course/project evaluation trips, visiting
a selected number of grantees during the course implementation period.

How to Apply

1. Applications must be presented in English on CRC Course Development
Competition forms (photocopied forms are acceptable).

2. For individual proposals, the application form must be accompanied
with a description of the proposed course (in the form of a draft
syllabus), preliminary bibliography of materials to be used in
preparation and teaching, a curriculum vitae (also highlighting
research activity), a signed statement that the course will be
introduced by the applicant and he/she is going to teach it, a letter
of recommendation and a letter of endorsement from the host
university. The letter of endorsement should include the host
university's commitment to allow the proposed course to be taught, and
should clearly indicate the period when the course will be taught.

3. For group proposals, the application should be submitted by the
project leader. In addition to the above it should contain a list of
the individuals involved in the project, their CVs, institutional
affiliations, contact information and a letter from each individual
stating their willingness to be involved in the project. For group
projects letters of endorsement must be submitted from all the
institutions that will host the course (Please feel free to duplicate
the letter of endorsement form if necessary). Please always indicate
the name of the group leader in e-mails sent from a different e-mail address.

4. Application forms can be obtained from local CEU representatives,
the Curriculum Resource Center at Central European University or from
our website,

5. Applications must arrive by 17 November 2008 (address: CRC -
Central European University, 1051 Budapest, Nador u. 9, Hungary or - please note that letters of endorsement and
recommendation will be accepted by regular mail, fax or directly from
the e-mail address of the writer of the letter). In case of group
projects all materials should preferably be sent in one pack/e-mail.
In order to avoid materials sent separately getting lost, the name of
the group leader should clearly appear on them. Applicants will be
informed about the results in mid-December. Courses should be taught
during the first and/or second semester of the 2009/2010 academic year.

Discipline Areas for the Course Development Competition:


Borders, States, and the Post-cold War International System With the
recognition of Kosovo's independence in February 2008 and the
Russian-Georgian war which led to Moscow's formal acknowledgement of
Abkhazia and South Ossetia's independent status, one of the pillars of
the post World War II's order, namely the inviolability of state
borders (and thus the territorial integrity of modern states), was
left in shatters. How different is the political order in the early
21st century going to be? What role is left for Westphalian
sovereignty and modern statehood? What are the rules of engagement of
contemporary global politics?

We invite proposals to develop courses which aim to critically rethink
the following issues, which could be developed individually or as part
of the same course:
* Formation of the post-World War II international system;
* The International System in the 21st century;
* State building and state collapse;
* Theories of borders;
* Theories of nationalism;
* Comparative perspectives on state formation in Europe;
* Conflicts in post-Communist Eurasia;
* 'Virtual' states.

Applications are welcome from within all the disciplines of social
sciences, and particularly welcome from international relations,
security studies, history, and political science.

Medieval Studies/History/Byzantine Studies

Processes of cultural translation (along the northern/eastern fringes
of the "Byzantine Commonwealth")

Not least in the wake of postcolonial studies the reciprocity of
processes of cultural translation (literally and metaphorically) are
being re-understood, while increased attention to spatial issues
allows an ever more refined mapping - geographically as well as
mentally - of such instances of cultural imposition, exchange and
borrowing. Throughout the Byzantine Empire's existence - in changing
spatial and geopolitical constellations - the rich web of Byzantine
culture (ideology, theology, learning) interacted with numerous
cultures along the northern and eastern rims of the empire's sphere of
influence, through various means (diplomacy, warfare, trade,
travelling, etc.). These processes of cultural translation should be
at the core of the proposed syllabus topics, both between Byzantine
and neighbouring cultures as well as among those neighbouring cultures
themselves. A focus on continuity and 'tradition' beyond the Byzantine
period into the (early) modern age to the present day (Byzance après
Byzance) is strongly encouraged. Proposals are welcome for BA, MA and
PhD level.


Social, Cultural and Political Economies of Inequality: Comparative
and Historical Perspective

We invite proposals on theories and structural conditions of
inequality in terms of gender, class, race region and so forth, as
well as the social and political responses to it in historical and
global perspectives, with a focus on inequality in the post-Socialist
space. The course should have a comparative approach either in
examining inequalities in various post-Socialist countries or compare
them with cases elsewhere.

Constitutional Law

Fair Trial Rights

In the field of comparative constitutional law proposals are expected
to address issues concerning civil and political rights (human rights)
in established and emerging democracies; enforcement of socio-economic
rights, freedom of religion and free speech in a global world;
protection of bodily privacy; governance in transition to democracy;
comparative constitutional adjudication; constitutional transplants
and European Union law with emphasis on constitutional law. It is not
possible to protect substantive rights without also ensuring the
possibility to enforce those rights. Therefore, proposals on general
fair trial rights, due process and legislative procedures would also
be welcome.

Political Science

Political Attitudes

The research on political attitudes lies at the cross-road of
political psychology and mainstream political behavior studies. It
deals with the 'software' of politics: values, personalities,
attitudes, emotions, perceptions and cognitions. We invite proposals
that address a combination of individual psychological mechanisms,
social identity, ideological orientations, prejudices, political
culture, authoritarianism, voting intentions, partisan sympathies and
values. Courses that also discuss the role of institutions in the
formation of attitudes are particularly welcome.

Religious Studies/Political Science

Religion and Politics

After decades of neglect, religion has emerged as a factor that is
increasingly relevant to the study of politics. We invite proposals
to develop courses focusing on the following issues:

* Theoretical approaches to the study of religion and politics in the
domestic arena
* Theoretical approaches to the study of religion and international relations
* Empirical analysis of the relationship between religion and politics
* The secularization thesis and its critics (within any discipline)

In addition, participants are welcome to suggest possible lenses
through which the intersection between religion and politics can be
discussed (for example, but not limited to: security, political
economy, culture, environmental concerns, foreign policy analysis).

Roma related courses

With the goal to further encourage the integration of issues related
to Roma into mainstream academic disciplines we welcome proposals for
academic courses in all areas of humanities and social sciences
dealing entirely or in a significant part with this topic.

Aniko Kellner
CDC program manager

Central-Eurasia-L mailing list

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