Distrib. by: Central-Eurasia-L - Announcement List for Central Eurasian Studies
CONF./CFP- Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) 2008
Posted by: Dominique Arel <darel@uottawa.ca>
Call for Papers
"Nation, Identity, Conflict, and the State"
13th Annual World Convention of the
Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN)
[The announcement is also available at www.nationalities.org]
International Affairs Building,
Columbia University, NY
Sponsored by the Harriman Institute
10-12 April 2008
***Proposal deadline: 1 November 2007***
Contact information:
proposals must be submitted to:
darel@uottawa.ca and darelasn@gmail.com
100+ panels on the Balkans, Central Europe and the Baltics, Russia,
Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Central Asia and Eurasia, the Caucasus,
Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kurdistan, China and surrounding countries
**INCLUDING a Special Section on Theoretical Approaches to Nationalism**
THEMATIC Panels on
Islam and Politics, Genocide and Ethnic Violence, Anthropology of
Identity, Citizenship and Nationality, Religion, Language Politics,
Conflict Resolution, Autonomy, Gender, EU Integration, Diaspora and many more
AWARDS for Best Doctoral Student Papers
AND the Screening and Discussion of **New Films/Documentaries**
The ASN Convention, the most attended international and
inter-disciplinary scholarly gathering of its kind, welcomes proposals
on a wide range of topics related to national identity, nationalism,
ethnic conflict, state-building and the study of empires in
Central/Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, the Balkans, Eurasia,
and adjacent areas. Disciplines represented include political science,
history, anthropology, sociology, international studies, economics,
geography, sociolinguistics, psychology, and related fields.
The Convention also features a section devoted to theoretical
approaches to nationalism, from any of the disciplines listed above.
The papers in this section need not be grounded in an area of the
former Communist bloc usually covered by ASN, provided that the issues
examined are relevant to a truly comparative understanding of
nationalism-related issues. In this vein, we are welcoming
theory-focused and comparative proposals, rather than specific case
studies from outside Central/Eastern Europe and Eurasia. A dozen
panels are expected to be featured in the Nationalism section.
Since 2005, the ASN Convention has acknowledged excellence in graduate
studies research by offering Awards for Best Doctoral Student Papers
in five sections: Russia/Ukraine/Caucasus, Central Asia/Eurasia,
Central Europe, Balkans, and Nationalism Studies. The winners at the
2006 Convention were Tammy Lynch (Boston U, History,
Russia/Ukraine/Caucasus), Judith Beyer (Anthropology, Max Planck
Institute for Social Anthropology, Central Asia/Eurasia), Zsuzsanna
Magdo (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, History, Central Europe),
Connie Robinson (New School U, Sociology, Balkans), and Wendy Pearlman
(Harvard U, Political Science, Nationalism). Doctoral student
applicants whose proposals will be accepted for the 2008 Convention,
who have not defended their dissertation by 1 November 2007, and whose
paper is delivered by the deadline, will automatically be considered
for the awards.
The 2008 Convention is also inviting submissions for documentaries or
feature films made within the past few years and available in VHS or
DVD format. Most films selected for the convention will be screened
during regular panel slots and will be followed by a discussion
moderated by an academic expert. Films on the 2007 Program included
the Oscar-nominated My Country, My Country (US, 2007), Vukovar-Final
Cut (Serbia and Montenegro, 2006), A Lesson of Belarusian (Poland,
2006), Orange Revolution (US, 2007) and Final Solution (India, 2005).
The 2008 Convention invites proposals for INDIVIDUAL PAPERS or PANELS.
A panel includes a chair, three presentations based on written papers,
and a discussant. Proposals using an innovative format are encouraged.
Examples of new formats include a roundtable on a new book, in which
the author is being engaged by three discussants (nine book panels
were featured in the 2007 Convention); a debate between two panelists
over a critical research or policy question, following rules of public
debating; or special presentations based on original papers where the
number of discussants is equal to or greater than the number of
presenters. Other innovative formats are also welcome.
The 2008 Convention is also welcoming offers to serve as DISCUSSANT on
a panel to be created by the program committee from individual paper
proposals. The application to be considered as discussant can be
self-standing, or accompanied by an individual paper proposal.
There is NO APPLICATION FORM to fill out in order to send proposals to
the convention, except for a FACT SHEET that can be downloaded at
www.nationalities.org. All proposals and fact sheets must be sent by
email to Dominique Arel at both darel@uottawa.ca and darelasn@gmail.com.
INDIVIDUAL PAPER PROPOSALS must include the name, email and
affiliation of the author, a postal address for paper mail, the title
of the paper, a 500-word abstract and a 100-word biographical
statement that includes full references of your last or forthcoming
publication, if applicable. Graduate students must indicate the title
of their dissertation and year of projected defense. They can also
submit the full references of a recent or forthcoming publication.
PANEL PROPOSALS must include the title of the panel, a chair, three
paper-givers with the title of their papers, and a discussant; the
name, affiliation, email, postal address and 100-word biographical
statements of each participant and include full references of their
last or forthcoming publication, if applicable. Graduate students can
indicate the title of their dissertation and year of projected defense.
PROPOSALS FOR FILMS OR VIDEOS must include the name, email and
affiliation of the author, a postal address for paper mail, the title,
a 500-word abstract of the film/video and a 100-word biographical statement.
PROPOSALS USING AN INNOVATIVE FORMAT must include the title of the
panel, the names, emails, affiliations, postal addresses, 100-word
biographical statements of each participant (same specifications as
above) and a discussion on the proposed format.
email, affiliation, postal address, a paragraph on the areas that the
applicant has expertise to serve as a discussant, and a 100-word
biographical statement (same specifications as above).
All proposals must be included IN THE BODY OF A SINGLE EMAIL, except
for the Fact Sheet that must be attached. Attachments other than the
Fact Sheet will be accepted only if they repeat the content of the
email message/proposal, and if all the information is contained IN A
SINGLE ATTACHMENT. The reception of all proposals will be acknowledged
electronically (with some delay during deadline week, due to the high
volume of proposals).
Participants are responsible for covering all travel and accommodation
costs. Unfortunately, ASN has no funding available for panelists.
An international Program Committee will be entrusted with the
selection of proposals. Applicants will be notified in December 2007
or January 2008. Information regarding registration costs and other
logistical questions will be communicated afterwards.
The full list of panels from last year's convention, for the
geographical and thematic sections, and the section on Theories of
Nationalism, can be accessed at
The film lineup can be accessed at
The programs from past conventions, going back to 2001, are also
online at www.nationalities.org.
Several dozen publishers and companies have had exhibits and/or
advertised in the Convention Program in past years. Due to
considerations of space, advertisers and exhibitors are encouraged to
place their order early. For information, please contact Convention
Executive Director Gordon N. Bardos (gnb12@columbia.edu).
We look forward to receiving your proposal!
The Convention organizing committee:
Dominique Arel, ASN President
Gordon N. Bardos, Executive Director
David Crowe, ASN Chair of Advisory Board
Sherrill Stroschein, Program Chair
Deadline for proposals: 1 November 2007 (to be sent to both
darel@uottawa.ca AND darelasn@gmail.com)
The ASN convention's headquarters are located at the:
Harriman Institute
Columbia University
1216 IAB
420 W. 118th St.
New York, NY 10027
212 854 8487 tel
212 666 3481 fax
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