PUBL.- Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies: Military Justice
Posted by: Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski <>
The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies,
Military Justice in Post-Soviet Russia
Issue 8 -- July 2008
- Foreword by Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski & Aude Merlin (Issue 8 Editors)
- Military Justice in Russia: Issues and Questions -- an introduction
by Peter H. Solomon, Jr., Professor of Political Science, Law and
Criminology, University of Toronto
Military Justice - articles
- Leonid Golovko - Les cours militaires russes : juridictions de droit
commun, juridictions spécialisées ou juridictions d'exception ?
[Russian Courts-Martial: Courts of General Jurisdiction, Specialised
Courts or Extraordinary Courts?]
- Nikolay P. Kovalev - Trial by jury in military courts
- Amandine Regamey - L'opinion publique russe et l'affaire Boudanov
[Russian Public Opinion and the Budanov Case]
Military Justice -- Conversations
- How does one defend one's case in today's Russian army ? - Interview
of Shota Gordadze, Lawyer -- conducted by Aude Merlin, Moscow, 2 June 2008
- The power of law versus the law of power - Interview of Stanislav
Markelov, Lawyer -- conducted by Aude Merlin, Moscow, 3 June 2008
Military Justice -- Historical Perspective (Reprints)
- Elise Kimerling Witschafter - Military Justice and Social Relations
in the Prereform Army, 1796 to 1855
- William C. Fuller - Civilians in Russian Military Courts, 1881-1904
Military Justice -- Book Reviews (4 titles)
- S. Ushakov, A. Stukalov, Front voennykh prokurorov [The Military
Procurors' Front], Kirov, Viatka, 2000, 223
pages. Reviewed by Vanessa Voisin
- N. Petuhkov, Istoriia voennykh sudov Rossii [An History of Russian
Military Courts], Moscow, Norma, 2005, 352 pages. Reviewed by Marc Elie
- V.E. Zviagintsev, Voina na vesakh Femidy. Voina 1941-1945 gg. v
materialakh sledstvenno-sudebnykh del [War in the Scales of Justice]
Moscow, Terra, Knizhnyi Klub, 2006, 767 pages. Reviewed by Vanessa Voisin
- E.R. Fidell, E.L. Hillman, D.H. Sullivan, Military Justice: Cases
and Materials, Lexis/Nexis, 2006, 1076 pages.
Reviewed by Stanislaw Romanov and Max Dranzhevsky
Army / Society Relations in Post-Soviet Russia
- Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski - The Inextricable Ties Between Society
and the Army in Post-Soviet Russia or the Resurgence of shefstvo from
Boris Eltsin to Vladimir Putin
War and Nation-Building
- Taline Papazian - State at War, State in War: The Nagorno-Karabakh
Conflict and State-Making in Armenia, 1991-1995
War and Post-War Socialization Studies
- Nona Shakhnazarian - Mal'chiki-Mazhory Karabakhskoi voiny :
zhiznennye istorii voennoi "molodezhi" [Child Soldiers in the Karabakh
War: Life Stories of a Militarised "Youth"]
Book Reviews -- General (4 titles)
- P. P. Shcherbinin, Voennyi factor v povsednevnoi zhizni russkoi
zhenshcheny v XVIIInachale XX v. [The Military Factor in the Daily
Lives of Russian Women from the 18th to the 20th Centuries],Tambov,
Izdatel'stvo Iulis, 2004, 507 pages. Reviewed by John W. Steinberg
- J. Hedenskog, V. Konnander, B. Nygren, I. Oldberg and Ch.
Pursiainen (eds.), Russia as a Great Power: Dimensions of Security
Under Putin. London, Routledge, 2005, 464 pages. Reviewed by Christian
W. Erickson
- Z. Barany, Democratic Breakdown and the Decline of the Russian
Military, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2007, 247
pages. Reviewed by Erica Marat
- G. Caforio (ed.), Social Sciences and the Military: An
Interdisciplinary Overview, London, Routledge (Cass Military Studies),
2007, 320 pages. Reviewed by Bernard Boëne
Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski
Chief Editor
The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies
Editorial Board: Eden Cole, Anna Colin Lebedev, Françoise Dauce,
Gilles Favarel-Garrigues, Anne Le Huerou, Erica Marat, Laurent
Rucker, Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski, Joris Van Bladel
Scientific Board: Adrian Beck (UK), Alexander Belkin (Russia),
Frederic Charillon (France), Stephen Cimbala (USA), Julian Cooper
(UK), Roger McDermott (UK), Isabelle Facon (France), Mark Galeotti
(UK), Aleksandr Gol'ts (Russia), Dale Herspring (USA), Philippe
Manigart (Belgium), Kimberly Zisk Marten (USA), Michael Orr (UK),
Michael Parrish (USA), Nikolay Petrov (Russia), Eduard Ponarin
(Russia), Jean-Christophe Romer (France), Jacques Sapir (France),
Manfred Sapper (Germany), Louise Shelley (USA), Richard Staar (USA),
Brian Taylor (USA), Mikhail Tsypkin (USA), Stephen Webber (UK), Elena
Zdravomyslova (Russia).
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